Ove paprike moraju biti somborke , to su inace ljute paprike , vec poznate paprike i koriste se za ovaj tradicijonalni stari recept ...
Ove paprike moraju biti somborke , to su inace ljute paprike , vec poznate paprike i koriste se za ovaj tradicijonalni stari recept ...
Oprati paprike

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U vecoj posudi sipati vode i dobro je osoliti ,staviti paprike i poklopiti tako da voda bude preko njih ,takve paprike moraju stajati vise od 7 dana da bi se koristile ,a inace mogu stajati u slanoj vodi i vise od mjesec dva .

Vaditi paprike iscjediti i puniti sa pavlakom (filovati) ,redjati u plasticnoj posudi jednu do druge i kad bude jedan red gotov premazati ih sa pavlakom i opet odozgo redati drugi red punjenih paprika ,sve dok ne bude puna posuda.

Na kraju ih opet premazati pavlakom i ostaviti na toplom mjestu 2do3 dana da uskisnu ,s vremenom otvoriti poklopac i pazljivo prosuti vodu koja se nakupila od paprika (pazljivo)!

Nakon 3 dana posudu sa uskislim paprikama cuvati u frizideru i sluziti .
Paprike mogu dugo stajati u slanoj vodi (ne da im sol da se pokvare)i po potrebi vaditi i koristi ih ,tako da cete imati preko cjele zime punjene paprike !
Recept je
Hi Kasia! Peppers are from Serbia but I guess you can use other kinds as well; you need to clean them and remove the seeds, wash them and then put them in salty water - about 0,5kg of salt for every 3-4l of water. Peppers need to be submerged completely and the container where you put them has to be firmly shut. Leave the peppers in the water for about 7 days or up to a month. Then you take them out of the water and dry a bit, fill with sour cream and put in layers again in a container that can be closed firmly. One layer of peppers and one layer of sour cream. Finish with one layer of sour cream and leave them for at least 3 days in the fridge.
I haven't tried this recipe yet. There are others as well, a little different. After cleaning the peppers you put a little salt in each and let it rest a while, then spill the water they released and fill with sour cream, layer again and shut the lid firmly. Leave in the fridge for at least 10 days. There are variations, I suggest trying in small amounts to see what suits you best with the materials you have. Good luck!
Anyone feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes, I haven't tried this recipe.
Hi Evb!!! Is there any chance someone would write recipe for sour cream stuffed peppers in english? I just had some in Beograd, it is AWESOME, but it's really hard for me to go through nuances in language that I don't know. HELP :))))